Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The World of Oz: Slinkle

The task was to create a fictional environment in the world of Oz.

On the border of Winkie Country, between Futterbudget and Tottenhots, is the small town of Slinkle. The town was full of sloths who would sometimes move in ways that seemed like those of a slinkie. They tumbled and rolled in slow motions, almost carefree of the wonders of the other places in Oz. It was small, dull, with houses made of leaves and roads made of wood. The houses were all close to each other, making what seemes like a 5 minute trip at normal speed a 2 hour trip. They held slinklections, which were their way of having elections. They happened every 10 years and every citizen had to participate. However, they weren't really elections, as there was only one job and one candidate: the "Head Slink", or rather, the one who oversaw the town. The only candidate had to be related to the last.

The elections are happening today, and the candidate happens to be the young "Slinsquad", who wanted to be a soldier than a politician. He couldn't back out, he was chosen by the Elder Sloth. He didn't quite remember how he ended up as the candidate, he had 4 brothers and a sister who were much more qualified and wanted the position more than himself. Why couldn't he be a soldier, he questioned every night since his choosing. He even taught himself combat. He was getting better at it. He was finally .5 seconds faster than he was 5 years ago. It was like he was practically speeding across all of Oz. So why couldn't he be a soldier?

He would express his displeasure to his father and would always get the same response: sloths of Slinkle weren't made to be soldiers. Through the many years of establishment, not once has the town had to fight or put anyone in jail. They didn't even have a jail.

It all changed when a little girl named Dorothy skipped into their little town with a black dog to her left and a man on her right. He was strange looking, Slinsquad had never seen someone of their kind. The townsfolk of Slinkle had very few guests and didn't know how to react. They rolled away from the new creatures and would look towards Slinsquad to see if he would act. What was he to do? Half of him was scared to make contact with these guests. The other half, however, was elated to learn more of the outside world. Maybe they could tell him of soldiers.

He approached them, showing off his newfound speed. "H-Hello!" he managed to stutter. "Welcome t-to Slinkle. I-I-I'm-" He stopped himself. It was rude to not have the guests introduce themselves first.

The girl looked puzzled. Unsure if he had stopped speaking or was just pausing. For a moment they all stood in silence.

"Well, I'm Dorothy." the girl spoke up, "And this is Toto and Scarecrow." She motioned to the other two that accompanied her. She looked at the sloth with wonder. "And you are?"

He jumped a bit, "S-S-S-Slinsquad." He forced a couch to clear his throat.

"Nice to meet you!"

"Do you know where Futterbudget is?" The lanky straw filled man asked.



The sloth looked quizingly behind himself, to the other citizens.

"We got lost and are trying to find our way back." Dorothy begged.

He turned back to the guests, "You d-didn't pass it on your way here?"

"We don't think so."

"I-I-It's not too far from here." He pointed a hand out to the direction they came from "It's a-actually that w-w-w-way."


"Are you sure?"


The two looked at each other. "It was much appreciated, Slinsquad. Thank you!" They turned on their heels and began to skip to the entrance.


Class Writing

The meals at Slinkle consist of various amounts of leaves and chutes, slightly decorated on a wooden plate. The citizens use their hands to consume their meal, as there are no forks or spoons in the town. A bucket is passed around the suspending table that hangs in each house by vines, containing water for the family to sip out of. You must not take short gulps or pass on the bucket when it is your turn. It may never come back to you again. It is considered rude if you don’t take your time with the bucket. The sloths may be slow but they take extra precaution when they eat.

The sloths jumble their words but aren’t really sure what to speak of. The kids speak with each other about school and the candidate for “Head Slink”, wondering what he is like. “I have never seen him!” says one of the children. The father stops himself mid bite to look at his son, “You just passed him when I took you to school.” Finishing his bite.

The “palace”, or the home that the citizens claim to be, is just a bit bigger than the homes of the other sloths. Not too small but not big enough to belittle it’s habitants. Things in the town stay roughly the same so the citizens do not feel less or more than another. It’s 2 floors, instead of one. Vines are wrapped together to create the floor of the second floor and openings push sunlight into the palace. This is more of a place for the Head Slink to work and meet. Not much “Furniture”, if you can call it that. They mostly sit on the floors, which is dirt and bark from the local trees. Some prefer to sit on a small sheet of wood of their own. There isn’t really anything elaborate about the home. No fancy wares. However you are greeted by a lanky sloth who will guide you around the palace.

Who has power?

The Head Slink: someone who oversees the town for 10 years ad is chosen by the Elder Slink. The candidate must be related to the last. There is only one candidate chosen and they are vote on by the citizens of the town. Not that it matters, as they are only confirming the candidate as the head.

Who is weak?

Most are equal in the town. They try not to create a hierarchy. Most consider those who are from the outside as strange.

Who wants to be powerful?

Most of the descendants want to, as it is a right of passage to be chosen by the Elder. It is considered a great honor.

Who has magic?

No one in the town.

 How is the world affected by magic?

They tend to stay away from such things but it is unavoidable when it comes to outside sources. The citizens do not like to dabble with guests who appear magical in anyway. They must stay wary, afraid that something will change their lifestyle.


The citizens “eat out” occasionally. Meaning they will go to other families homes and share a meal. It’s a way for the citizens to stay in touch with each other. A way to keep the town like a small family. It rotates around and it’s never just one family sharing with another. There could be multiple families who join another. Sometimes that calls for them to join together outside and enjoy a meal and company in the open. Somewhere where the families can chat and enjoy the company of another.

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