Thursday, April 16, 2015

Assessment: Professor Icognito

In what I read of the passage I feel it's read as an email (i.e the headers "RE:"). I don't know if I would consider it a symbol, but it goes hand in hand with the apology and the Professor's character. I find emails to be rather methodical, and associate his use of it as a form of communication to fit him perfectly. It's also different than speaking in person. You are hiding a part of you when sending an email. The recipient, in this case the reader, isn't able to see the Professor. We aren't able to see the real him, just like his lover was shown a different side of him.

I felt a connection more towards the person he is talking to in his passages. It was more so on how the reader is at a point in which they lived a happy couple life to find out their lover had a double life and practically lied about their persona. I was in a relationship in which the person I dated felt the need to change their character to impress others and make friends. Also the way this is written is like a similar experience I have had the past few days in which my ex has reached out to me. It may seem heartfelt on the outside, however, I feel with some of the points he makes (falling asleep on her shoulder and dreaming of creating other means of destruction). It is an apology but it's not heartfelt. It's mechanical.

I think this would work extremely well as a short film. Something in which it's more of a video recording, rather than a passage. Especially if it were recorded of their time together. To see his character progress throughout their time together would be a better way of story telling, rather than telling us how he felt after all these events happened. The viewer would be able to really understand his character better with this device.

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